
Opening Minds, Opening Doors (OMOD) is a six-week (or six session) workshop designed to enable adults with developmental and other disabilities to write personal stories and develop the public speaking skills to present those stories in a variety of venues (conferences, civic group meetings, schools, legislative sessions, etc.). Each OMOD workshop ends with a Showcase where participants make presentations to an audience of friends, family and interested members of their local communities.

You can download all of the materials below.

Note: Please contact us to request any of our resources in an accessible format.

Training Resources

Full Facilitator Guide

You can download the full and complete facilitator guide in a single download.

Individual Sessions from the OMOD Facilitator Guide

If you would prefer to download the sessions individually you can do so below.

Conference Resources

Download conference resource PDFs below.

Recruitment Resources

Download recruitment resource PDFs below.

OMOD rehearsal10

Speaking Advocates Updates

Want to get involved? Submit the form below to join our Speaking Advocates email list and receive updates on current classes and events.

OMOD Updates

Note: Please contact us to request any of our resources in an accessible format.